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Monday, November 16, 2015

Falling Leaves, Biomes, and Ecosystems!

It's November! Time to put on sweaters, throw around footballs, give thanks... and prepare for the elementary schools' annual project on biomes and ecosystems.

Never fear! Your library has a great collection of books on biomes and ecosystems available in-house for you to read and check out! However, these books may become scarce as the season goes on and they begin to get checked out. To help, you can find several reference copies of books at the Children's Desk starting today. These books can be used in the library, scanned, or photocopied, but not checked out.

In addition, the instructors at Children's Services have compiled a list of helpful, free resources for South Brunswick students to use in the library and at home. Library Databases may require you to sign in with your library card number and your PIN (which can be accessed by visiting or calling Borrower Services).

Library Databases: 
Salem Press: Click on "Biomes and Ecosystems" in the lower left corner of the screen. Includes articles and diagrams on a number of specific biomes and ecosystems along with references and citations

Facts on File: A number of excellent, helpful articles and support materials including diagrams, videos, and glossaries.

The World Almanac: Scroll to the bottom of the page for "Biomes". Includes in-depth but easy-to-read articles on each biome and it's geography, geology, wildlife, and future.

TrueFlix: Includes the entire TrueBook for each ecosystem free to read, online. Related videos are linked along with the book for further comprehension.

Other Helpful Resources:
University of California Museum of Palentology: Long-form articles full of information about each biome and ecosystem. The Missouri Botanical Garden website offers clear, concise information on each ecosystem including reference links to further online resources.

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